
Monday, December 6, 2010

King Winter

As many of you may now, I love the winter! Every mornig when I wake up, the first thing I do is take a peek out of my window to see if the night brought me some snow. When I woke up friday the 26st there was actually a lot of snow! Which was a bit of a surprise to me, cause I didn´t expect so much! It was only november when King Winter made it´s entrance.
Obviously I haven't made this myself. I  just love this picture and decided that it would fit my post. So if anyone doesn't wan't this picture to me at my blog, sent me an email.
Yes, I edited this picture ;)
Last friday it snowed again! The first time we got 6 centimeters and now there were another 6 centimetres of lovely white crisp snow :) It was pretty cold with the wind coming from the east, but I don't mind. I have a hat from real wool and a jacket with fake fur, which I don't like at all, but it's nice and warm. Our cats go a bit mad, they wan't to be outside and inside at the same time! So we keep running at the door to either let them in or let them out...
The only one who doesn't go out is Lux. He stays in all the time to sit on my lap and wait for food. :)
I've made some lovely walks in the snow with my mom. But sadly the snow's melting away now. At night it's still freezing so the roads are getting very slippery out here.
I do hope we get more snow, but the winter is just beginning, so there's a fair chance.

Aah, beautifull, isn't it?
Goodnight to you all!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hallo Nienke,
Fijn om te horen dat het redelijk goed met je gaat. Met vallen en opstaan zal het verlies langzaam een plek vinden in het stukje levensles wat een ieder van ons te gaan heef de een wat heviger dan de ander of in een andere fase van het leven. Wij zullen aan je blijven denken. Wat ziet het er prachtig sprookjesachtig mooi uit met al die sneeuw, dan mag de winter nog wel een tijdje blijven.
Groeten Margot