
Wednesday, November 17, 2010

No I don´t want a coal generator in my backgarden!

For the dutchies I guess I don´t have to explain what is going on in the ´Eemshaven.´ Cause everybody is talking about the new coal generator that Nuon is building there. They're actually planning on building a third one (there already is one.) The third one should by build by Essent. When I stand in my room at night I can see al the lights from the generator peeking out above the dyke. When I stand in my room by day I can see some yellowish smoke rising up from the generator. And when I make a nice walk on the dyke or when (in the summer) I spend a day out between the sheep I can see the ugly thing, polluting my lovely view, but even worse, the environment. Here you can see how close the damn generators are to the place I live in. The lowest cirkle is approximately around my house, and the upper one is where the first generator is, and the 2 others will be.

The worst thing about it all is that the generator is situated next to the 'Waddenzee,' which belongs to the World Legacy! Greenpeace has begun a public protest against Essent and Nuon. Almost all people in the Netherlands get their power and gas from one of these companies. Greenpeace wants them to switch to another company if Nuon and Essent continue to build the generators. I think they made a great commercial against Nuon, but sadly nobody wants to broadcast it on TV or Radio. Here it is:

For the dutchies here is a link:
You can send Nuon or Essent a protest email.

I do hope Nuon stops building! I'll keep you up to date about the campaigns and (hopefully) their results.
That's it for now!

Love Nienke


Nisse said...

Belachelijk dat ze die spotjes niet willen uitzenden! Vind het echt idioot! Maar wel weer typisch Nederland hoor. Maar goed mocht het nodig zijn kom ik wel op een zeepkist demonstreren bij jou hoor;)

Nienke said...

Ja ik snap ook niet waarom, het zal wel weer iets met auteursrechten te maken hebben ofzo..Ik hoop dat er nog even flink gedemonstreerd wordt! Want de eerste centrale is dus al in aanbouw :( hehe ja demonstreren op een zeepkist woehoe :)